Anthony John Boulton

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Colchester Campus
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Treatment of trauma
John is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist registered with BPC. He is a member of BPF (British Psychotherapy Federation ) and is also a candidate member of the BPA ( British Psychoanalytic Association). John is a very experienced adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist working in private practice in East London. He is currently a professional doctoral student in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy . In his research he is using the operationalisation method to identify the presence of psychic change and psychic equilibrium in long term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
BSc Economics (London) University of London (1975)
PGCE University of London (1977)
MA Sociology University of Essex (1981)
Member of BPF British Psychotherapy Federation (1991)
Research and professional activities
Movement and Stasis in Psychoanalytic work . The Creative Couple and the Analytic Third
I have created an Operationalised grid of movement and stasis in therapeutic work . I will show how in data taken from clinical material, from my private practice, indications of development and stuckness can be identified. I will discuss this in the context of a bipersonal approach to clinical work with particular references to the concept of the Analytic Third. I will set this in the context of the evolution of Psychoanalytic thinking and technique in relation to the shift in theory and pract
Supervisor: Dr Deborah Wright